Testnet4 Docker Setup

Using the available Docker image is fairly easy to run a Bitcoin Testnet4 node.

Step 1: Install Docker

Follow instructions to install Docker here.

Step 2: Run Testnet4 node using Docker:

Pull the correct Bitcoin image and run:

docker run -d \
  --name bitcoin-testnet4 \
  -p 18443:18443 \
  -p 18444:18444 \
  bitcoin/bitcoin:28.0rc1 \
  -printtoconsole \
  -testnet4=1 \
  -rest \
  -rpcbind= \
  -rpcallowip= \
  -rpcport=18443 \
  -rpcuser=citrea \
  -rpcpassword=citrea \
  -server \

Bitcoin Testnet4 node should be running in your system. You can check it with the following commmand:

curl --user citrea --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "curltest", "method": "getblockcount", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

--user & password asked are the rpcuser and rpcpassword fields that you used to run the docker command above.

Now you can proceed to run the Citrea client from here.

If you do not want to use Docker to setup Bitcoin node, you can build it from the source code here.

Last updated