
Serves as a facilitator of deposits and withdrawals between Bitcoin and Citrea. It verifies Bitcoin transactions for deposits and manages withdrawal requests to be processed on the Bitcoin network.

You can find the contract in the address 0x31000...0002, here.

Deposit Structure

The following is an explanation regarding the DepositParams structure, which is used to represent deposits made to Citrea from the Bitcoin network using Clementine.



Version field of a transaction


Marker + Flag of a segregated witness transaction


Transaction inputs


Transaction outputs


Transaction witness


Transaction locktime


The proof's intermediate nodes


Block Height


The leaf's index in the tree (0-indexed)

To understand more, please check the way deposit params are used along with the BitcoinLightClient contract from both our documentation and explorer.

State Structure

bool public initialized;

A flag indicating whether the contract has been initialized.

uint256 public constant DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = 0.01 ether;

The fixed amount for deposits and withdrawals, set to 0.01 ether (cBTC).

address public operator;

The address of the privileged operator who can process user deposits.

uint256 public requiredSigsCount;

The number of signatures required in the deposit script for verification.

bytes public depositScript;

The expected deposit script for all L1 (Bitcoin) deposits.

bytes public scriptSuffix;

The suffix of the deposit script that follows the receiver address.

mapping(bytes32 => bool) public spentWtxIds;

A mapping to keep track of spent witness transaction IDs to prevent double-spending.

bytes32[] public withdrawalAddrs;

An array to store Bitcoin addresses for withdrawal requests.

Access Control Structure

modifier onlySystem()

Ensures that only the system caller (0xdeaDDeADDEaDdeaDdEAddEADDEAdDeadDEADDEaD) can call the function.

modifier onlyOperator()

Ensures that only the designated operator can call the function.

modifier onlyOwner()

Ensures that only the contract owner can call the function (inherited from Ownable).


function initialize(bytes calldata _depositScript, bytes calldata _scriptSuffix, uint256 _requiredSigsCount, address _owner) external onlySystem

Initializes the bridge contract and sets the initial deposit script parameters.


bytes _depositScript

The deposit script expected in the witness field for all L1 deposits

bytes _scriptSuffix

The suffix of the deposit script that follows the receiver address

uint256 _requiredSigsCount

The number of signatures contained in the deposit script

address _owner

The address to be set as the owner of the contract

function setDepositScript(bytes calldata _depositScript, bytes calldata _scriptSuffix, uint256 _requiredSigsCount) external onlyOwner

Updates the expected deposit script parameters.


bytes _depositScript

The new deposit script

bytes _scriptSuffix

The part of the deposit script that succeeds the receiver address

uint256 _requiredSigsCount

The number of signatures needed for deposit transaction

function deposit(DepositParams calldata p) external onlyOperator

Processes a deposit from Bitcoin to Citrea by verifying the Bitcoin transaction and sending configured bridge amount of cBTC to the recipient. Can only be called by the designated operator.


DepositParams p

Struct containing deposit transaction details from Bitcoin

function withdraw(bytes32 bitcoin_address) external payable

Accepts configured bridge amount of cBTC from the sender and records a withdrawal request to be processed on Bitcoin.


bytes32 bitcoin_address

The Bitcoin address of the receiver

function batchWithdraw(bytes32[] calldata bitcoin_addresses) external payable

Batch version of withdraw that can accept multiple withdrawal requests at once.


bytes32[] bitcoin_addresses

Array of Bitcoin addresses for the receivers

function getWithdrawalCount() external view returns (uint256)

Returns the total number of withdrawal requests made so far.



The count of withdrawals happened so far

function setOperator(address _operator) external onlyOwner

Sets the operator address that can process user deposits.


address _operator

Address of the privileged operator

function extractRecipientAddress(bytes memory _script) internal view returns (address)

Extracts the recipient from a given script.


bytes memory _script

The script to be processed



The recipient


event Deposit(bytes32 wtxId, address recipient, uint256 timestamp)

Emitted when a deposit is successfully processed.


bytes32 wtxId

The witness transaction ID of the Bitcoin transaction

address recipient

The Citrea address receiving the deposited cBTC

uint256 timestamp

The timestamp of the deposit

event Withdrawal(bytes32 bitcoin_address, uint256 index, uint256 timestamp)

Emitted when a withdrawal request is recorded.


bytes32 bitcoin_address

The Bitcoin address for the withdrawal

uint256 index

The index of the withdrawal in the withdrawalAddrs array

uint256 timestamp

The timestamp of the withdrawal request

event DepositScriptUpdate(bytes depositScript, bytes scriptSuffix, uint256 requiredSigsCount)

Emitted when the deposit script parameters are updated.


bytes depositScript

The new deposit script

bytes scriptSuffix

The new script suffix

uint256 requiredSigsCount

The new required signatures count

event OperatorUpdated(address oldOperator, address newOperator)

Emitted when the operator address is updated.


address oldOperator

The previous operator address

address newOperator

The new operator address

Last updated