Optionally, if you wish to verify ZK-Proofs, then you'll need to compile our ZK VM binaries inside Docker. To do so, follow instructions to install Docker here. Then, you should remove SKIP_GUEST_BUILD=1 and add REPR_GUEST_BUILD=1 before cargo build command:
REPR_GUEST_BUILD=1 cargo build --release
Step 4: Run Citrea
Look through the rollup_config.toml and apply changes as you wish, if you modified any Bitcoin RPC configs, change corresponding values under [da]. Then, you can run the full node by the following:
If everything is correct, you should see some logs that looks like this:
2024-09-20T07:46:40.910416Z INFO citrea_fullnode::runner: New State Root after soft confirmation #273314 is: RootHash("52b3c30f68667a7f25707534d2dc21d9071e7b776cb19df54166108fb6858c91")
2024-09-20T07:46:43.259511Z INFO citrea_fullnode::runner: Running soft confirmation batch #273315 with hash: 0x1e387d251804ef906006dd0dd3c392fdb891c81ef14cb531cf51e7ee3e72e0e0 on DA block #46991
2024-09-20T07:46:43.267653Z INFO citrea_fullnode::runner: New State Root after soft confirmation #273315 is: RootHash("1c04ab455e3b36da5a780b510e9d5bb1210ce6ca6027a11ac70e145bf33525d8")
2024-09-20T07:46:44.500370Z INFO citrea_fullnode::runner: Running soft confirmation batch #273316 with hash: 0xd7ac25afe89c509d58a044271de3cfd720c4143a7dd07a86c615b99db1a26c83 on DA block #46991
You can check the status with the following command (you may need to arrange the URL at the end based on your setup):
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"citrea_syncStatus","params":[], "id":31}'
A sample response (fields may vary based on the sync status):