Configurable Setup

This guide goes through the customized setup.

To join the Citrea Devnet properly, we need to do two things: Running a Bitcoin Node in Signet mode that syncs with our custom Signet, and running a Citrea Node that syncs with the Citrea Devnet.

Why a Custom Bitcoin Signet?

We're running our custom Bitcoin Signet, because:

  • There's not enough testnet or signet BTC available to public.

  • There are deep reorgs happening on testnet.

Using our own signet (which has only block time modification of 1 minute compared to public signet), we can provide better bridge experience for testing purposes.

Step 1: Bitcoin Signet Setup

For this step, we've prepared a simple Docker container.

Step 1.1: Install Docker

Install Docker from here:

Step 1.2: Setup Bitcoin Signet

Clone the Bitcoin Signet Container and navigate to the folder

git clone && cd bitcoin_signet

Step 1.3: Build Signet Container

docker build -t bitcoin-signet .

Step 1.4: Run Signet Container

Run it the Bitcoin client with the following command:

docker run -d --name bitcoin-signet-client-instance \
--env SIGNETCHALLENGE=512102653734c749d5f7227d9576b3305574fd3b0efdeaa64f3d500f121bf235f0a43151ae \
--env RPCUSER=citrea --env RPCPASSWORD=citrea \
--env BITCOIN_DATA=/mnt/task/btc-data \
--env -p 38332:38332 \

Citrea Signet Bitcoin should be running in your system now.

Step 2: Citrea Client Setup

Step 2.1: Install Rust

If you don't have it, install it from here.

Step 2.2: Clone the source code

Let's clone the repository from the latest tag:

git clone --branch=v0.4.5 && cd citrea

Step 2.3: Edit rollup config file

Config for Citrea Devnet resides in the configs/devnet/ folder, configs/devnet/rollup_config.toml file. There are several fields to modify, you can use the following if your Bitcoin Signet is working:

# DA Config
node_url = ""
node_username = "citrea"                                     
node_password = "citrea"
network = "signet"

path = "full-node-db"

# Full Node RPC - The host & port here are the host & port that your full node RPC uses, do not change if you're not sure how it works.
bind_host = ""
bind_port = 12345

sequencer_client_url = ""
include_tx_body = false # Setting false to save space by not saving Soft Batches locally. 

The above config will work fine with the Docker command above, so unless you have an expertise, we advise you to not to change them.

Optionally, you can also add db_max_open_files = 5000 under [storage] section and type ulimit -n 5000 to the terminal to get a syncing speed boost. Please keep in mind them it may affect the overall performance of your system while syncing.

Step 2.4: Build the project

If all above works fine, build the project:

SKIP_GUEST_BUILD=1 make build-release

This step may take several minutes or more, depending on your hardware.

If you want to see proving (optional), remove the SKIP_GUEST_BUILD flag and run the following first:

make install-dev-tools

If you also want to see less logs, you can put RUST_LOG=info to the beginning of the command.

Step 2.5: Run

Run the following to start running the Citrea binary.

./target/release/citrea --da-layer bitcoin --rollup-config-path configs/devnet/rollup_config.toml --genesis-paths configs/devnet/genesis-files

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate visit our Discord and ask us in the #developer-chat channel.

Last updated